Cesar Diaz Melendez at his sand table

César Díaz Meléndez

“Keep your mind out of the way and you can improvise when you are moving the sand.”

Where he calls home: Spain

Fluid frame technique: Sand and Salt

Fluid frame films:

ZEPO Trailer / Making Of from Cesarlinga (2014).

NO CORRAS TANTO from Cesarlinga (2009)

ATORMENTA from Cesarlinga (2009)

#ProTip: Keep your mind out of the way and you can improvise when you are moving the sand. Like in No Corras Tanto, I would draw and look and think, “Oh, it look a little like a face, now I’ll make a face.” Feel free to do what the sand is telling you. I think it’s not very difficult. People think you move it grain by grain, but for me it is just like drawing. It is easier for me to draw in sand than with a pencil. I’m more free.

Find out more: https://vimeo.com/cesarlinga

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  1. Hola
    Estube viendo tu trabajo y se me hace muy interesante. Actualmente estoy en la universidad y me toco escoger un artista inovador, decidi hacer una investigacion mas a fondo de tu trabajo y me gustaria saber si estarias dispuesto a contestar unas preguntas que me podrian ayudar en mi proyecto.
